More Solidified Plans
By libhart | April 12, 2011
Now that my plans have morphed out so much, I just decided to rewrite this post.
I have 5 packages coming (I know, I know…5). One was supposed to be here on 3/27. Didn’t happen, and still isn’t here. Another is scheduled for 4/26, and the remaining 3 are coming on 5/11.
The first package will go into a double stacked nuc full of left over frames of stores from my winter dead-outs. This nuc will go at the house. Two of the packages will go into hives at the house. The remaining two will go at the back of the alfalfa field.
I’m really hoping for a swarm or two as well.
Assuming the nuc does well in the double box, it’ll be split about a month after it goes in, right when the first big batch of brood emerges. I may pinch the queen at that point (if I can get myself to do so) to have two queenless nucs to rear two locally mated queens. I’d essentially like to replace the package queens with locally mated queens by mid-summer if at all possible. This may involve some locally purchased queens as well.
At the end of the season, I’ll decide if I’d like to combine the nucs with hives or try to over-winter them.
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